How To Use Beard Oil Properly
Image Source: Burst

So you have a beard and you have decided to use oil in your beard. I'm telling you what to do now about how to apply it for beginners. You certainly want your beard to be gentle. You also want the smoothness of your skin that will make others look jealous or girls will fall in love with you. But we'll talk about this later. Because before all this, since you are new to this, you may have some questions on your mind. For example: what does it do and how can I use it. So stay with me, I'll tell you how to use the oil on your beard.

When to apply beard oil?

Before applying it, you will need to do some preparation. We are well-organized people and we do all the work here in the right way. The good thing is that you don't have to prepare too much to use this oil. You just need to make sure that your skin is warm and slightly moist, so when you apply the oil on your beard it will help give you better results. In a word, it is a good time to use the oil immediately after your morning bath. Or you can wash your face with warm water before using it. Occasionally your beard will need to be trimmed with a beard trimmer. You must dry your beard with a towel before applying the beard oil. Because having water on your skin can prevent oil absorption, and it does not mean to waste your good quality oil.

Exactly how much oil should I use?

Another good feature of beard oil is that it is extremely strong. Remember that these oils are very effective and only a few drops are sufficient when using them. So be careful when pouring the oil out of your precious bottle and pour exactly what you need. To make it even easier, here is a guideline on exactly how much oil you should use for your beard at various growth stages.
  • 0-4 weeks (Little to no beard): Use only 1 drop
  • 1-6 months (Short beard): Use 2-3 drops
  • 6-18 months (Mid-length beard): Use 3-6 drops and
  • 8+ months (Long-beard): Use 6+ drops

As you keep your beard, over time you will find yourself understanding exactly what is best for you. At one point you will have experience with beard and then you will know for yourself exactly how much beard oil is needed for you. One more thing to be aware of is that you will almost always feel the smell of beard oil on your nose all day. If you have a problem with this, consider using oil when applying it.

How do you apply oil to your beard?

Finally, at that expected time, you will be using valuable oil in your beard. In the beginning, pour the oil on your palm as needed. Be careful when pouring oil from the bottle so that you do not have too much oil, or it is best if you use a dropper.

Now rub the oil on the palms and fingers of your hands, then stand in front of the mirror and massage it lightly on your nice face. And polish the beard well with the palm of your hand so that the oil spills around. Using your hands, massage well from the bottom of the beard to the upper cheek. And lastly, if you have a mustache, take care of it. Use your fingers to enhance the beauty of the mustache.

You should also be sure that you have spread the oil well on your beard and polished it in the face as well so that you can be safe from dryness or itching.

After applying the oil completely on your beard and face, you can take a comb and give your beard the desired look. And it will help to disperse the oil better. You are so smart!

how to apply beard oil for beginners
Image Source: Burst

How often do you use it?

How often you will apply beard oil depends a lot on which climate you live in. You can apply it every morning before going out. This will allow you to maintain a nice looking beard on your face all day long. And if you live in a humid place or if your beard is too small in size, you can use the it every two days or as you wish. On the other side, if you live in a climate that dries your skin and beard too quickly, you may need to re-use the oil all day if needed. Understand the needs of your beard and choose what is best for you accordingly.

Get your beard stylish, everyday

So now you are ready to captivate the world with your attitude, standard, and taste. You use high-quality beard oils once or more daily, and get your beard in a way that always looks, feels and smells amazing.